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Welcome to the Center for International Academic Exchange (CIAE) at Asia University. CIAE is the office on campus to provide information regarding immigration and supportive services for more than 500 international students from over 30 different countries. Asia University values international students and recognizes their contribution of facilitating cultural exchange to enrich the diversity of our university community.

In collaboration with partner universities, CIAE endeavors to promote student and faculty exchange. We offer students a variety of options to study abroad ranging from short-term programs to long-term degree programs. Qualified students are also encouraged to participate in double (dual) degree programs jointly provided by Asia University and partner institutions. We are keen to encourage as many students as possible to broaden their horizons and mobility to prepare them to take their places in the international labor market.

Please visit our website for updates on government regulations and information about programs or events supporting international students. It is our privilege to help you during the period of your study at Asia University. Please contact us without hesitation for more information about studying at Asia University.
                                                                                                                                                            Center for Intl Academic Exchange