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Asia University Scholarship

Asia University Guidelines for Establishing an Admission Scholarship for International Students

96.03.14 95學年度第 4次行政會議通過訂定
Amendment passed in the 4th administrative meeting of academic year 2006 on 96.03.14
Announced on 96.03.22 of the Asia University letter coded 0960001626
97.09.24  97學年度第 2次行政會議通過修正第 4、6、7 條條文
Amendments made to clauses 4, 6, 7 in the 2nd administrative meeting of academic year 2008 on 97.09.24
98.01.07  97學年度第 5次行政通過修正第 3、5、6、8條條文;新增第4條條文;原第4、5
Amendments made to clauses 3, 5, 6, 8 in the 5th administrative meeting of academic year 2008 on 98.01.07;
條次變更;刪除第 6條條文
added clause 4, 5 amendments; clause 6 deleted
98.2.6 亞洲秘字第 0980000766號函公布
Announced on 98.2.6 of the Asia University letter coded 0980000766
99.11.24 99學年度第 4次行政會議通過修正第 4、5、6 條條文
Amendments made to clauses 4, 5, 6 in the 4th administrative meeting of academic year 2010 on 99.11.24
99.12.13亞洲秘字第 0990012736 號函發布 Announced on 99.12.13 of the Asia University letter coded 0990012736 101.1.18 100學年度第6次行政會議通過修正第 5、7、8 條條文
Amendments made to clause 5, 7, 8 in the 6th administrative meeting of academic year 2012 on 101.1.18
Announced on 101.2.23 of the Asia University letter coded 1010001361
105.05.30 104學年度第10次行政會議通過修正第5點條文
Amendment made to clauses 5 passed in the 10th administrative meeting of academic year 2015 on 105.05.30
105.06.14 亞洲秘字第1050008089號函發布
Announced on 105.06.14 of the Asia University letter coded 1050008089
106.11.29 106學年度第4次行政會議通過修正第五點附件
Amendment made to clauses 5 passed in the 4th administrative meeting of academic year 2017 on 106.11.29
106.12.29 亞洲秘字第1060017625號函發布
Announced on 106.12.29 of the Asia University letter coded 1060017625
108.08.21 108學年度第1次行政會議通過修正第5、7、8點條文
Amendment made to clauses 5,7,8 passed in the 1th administrative meeting of academic year 2019 on 108.08.21
108.10.02 亞洲秘字第1080013676號函發布
Announced on 108.10.02 of the Asia University letter coded 1080013676
111.01.12 110學年度第5次行政會議通過修正第4點條文
Amendment made to clauses 4 passed in the 5th administrative meeting of academic year 2021 on 111.01.12
111.01.26 亞洲秘字第1110001245號函發布
Announced on 111.01.26 of the Asia University letter coded 1110001245
112.10.17 112學年度第4次行政會議通過修正第4、5、6、10條文
Amendments made to clause 5,10 in the 4th administrative meeting of academic year 2023 on 112.10.17

一、 亞洲大學(下稱本校)為獎勵優秀外國學生申請就讀本校,特訂定本要點。
This scholarship is established to encourage outstanding international students to enroll in Asia University.
二、  本要點所稱外國學生,係指未具僑生身份,且不具中華民國國籍之外國
Overseas compatriot students and foreign students with R.O.C nationality are not regarded as an “international student” mentioned in these Guidelines.
三、  就讀大學部者最多獎勵四年,就讀碩士班者最多獎勵二年,就讀博士班
Scholarships can be awarded to undergraduate students for four years, to master’s students for two years, and to doctoral students for three years at most.
四、  本要點每學年度所需經費,由國際事務處編列預算。經費來源由相關經費支應。
The scholarship of every academic year is budgeted by the International Affairs Office. The funding source is provided through the relevant budget allocations.
五、  本校每年依年度預算提供全額學雜費減免或其他獎學金種類(獎學金類型詳見附表)若干名額,國際事務處依學業成績、語文能力檢定成績、系所複審決議及其他表現審核後彙整列冊,提交校級招生委員會審議通過報請校長核定。
A number of tuition waivers or other types of scholarships will be provided for international students (for types of scholarship see the list below) based on the evaluation by department faculty in terms of the applicant’s academic transcript, language proficiency certificates, other performance, department discussions, and presented to the University Recruitment Committee for decision and finally approved by the President.
六、  外國學生申請本獎學金者,應於申請就讀本校時,一併檢附「國際學生獎
International students applying for this scholarship are required to submit the “Application Form for the International Student Scholarship” to the International Affairs Office during the admission process.
七、   已獲我政府機關之全額獎學金者,不得再重複領取本獎學金。
Students awarded with scholarships from our government institutions may not receive this scholarship.
八、 符合獎勵之學生,若有以下情形者,將取消其繼續獲獎資格:
Students eligible to receive this scholarship will be disqualified if they are:
- 大學部學生前一學年總平均成績未達七十五分者。
Undergraduates with an average grade below 75 in the previous academic year.
- 碩士班學生前一學年總平均成績未達八十分者;領取A類和B類獎學金者,自入學日起一年之內未被接受或發表收錄於Scopus研討會或期刊之論文。

Master’s students with average grade below 80 in the previous academic year’. Recipients of A and B type scholarships who, within one year from the date of enrollment, have not been accepted or published in papers included in Scopus conferences or journals.
- 博士班學生前一學年總平均成績未達八十分者;領取A類和B類獎學金者,自入學日起一年半之內未被接受或發表收錄於Scopus研討會或期刊之論文。

Doctoral students with average grade below 80 in the previous academic year. Recipients of A and B type scholarships who, within one year from the date of enrollment, have not been accepted or published in papers included in Scopus conferences or journals.
- 前一學期操行總成績未達
80 分,或被記小過一次以上處分時,獎學金降一級;操行成績未達 75 分,或被記大過一次以上處分時,取消獎學金。

Scholarships will be downgraded 1 level if average conduct grade in the previous semester is less than 80 points, or if they have received more than a minor demerit; scholarships will be cancelled if average conduct grade is below 75 points or if they have received a major demerit or above.
- 入學當年度未完成註冊、辦理保留入學資格、休學或轉學離校者;

Students who do not complete registration after admission or those on reserve student status, suspended study, or have transferred to other schools; students who resume their studies after a study suspension.
- 休學後再復學者。

Students returning to studies after a leave of absence.

九、  領取本獎助學金者,其入學資料經查若有偽造或不實之情事,撤銷其補
Students who have received the scholarship will be disqualified and asked to return it if the personal information provided during the admission’s process is proven to be not true.
十、 本要點經行政會議通過,陳請校長核定後發布施行,修正時亦同。
These Guidelines will be passed by the Administrative Council, announced and become effective after approval by the President. Future amendments will follow the same procedure.



學士 C 學費全額減半(雜費全付)
碩博 A+ 學雜費全額減免,住宿費全額減半,每月6000元生活津貼
A 學雜費全額減免,住宿費全額減半
B 學雜費全額減免
C 學雜費全額減半