AU Newsletter Vol. 011

2021 International Dual Degree Program Kicked off with an On-line Welcome Party

Asia University held an on-line welcome party for all the freshmen who entered the 2021 International Dual Degree Program on September 15. Professor Chun-Wei Lin, Dean of College of Management, said in his opening remarks that 23 freshmen registered for this English-medium program. He said, “The new students will have classes together with international students at AU for two to three years, and in their junior or senior years they can go abroad to continue their studies in AU’s sister universities. They can obtain two degree diplomas this way from both universities after they have completed their studies in Taiwan and overseas.” more

High Employability of AU’s Students in Optometry Department

AU’s Optometry students had an amazingly high passing rate in the national examination this year. Thirty-four senior students from the Department of Optometry passed the 2021 National Optometrist Examination, and most of them were employed by the optometry industry immediately after their graduation. This outstanding performance reflects the quality teaching of the Department and the university’s full support for students to take national examinations for certified more

Taiwan Education Fair Attracted More Than Ten Thousand Indonesian Students

Asia University launched an on-line Taiwan education fair for Indonesian students from September 27 to September 29. A record-breaking number of 63 Taiwan universities, both public and private, joined the education fair which attracted more than ten thousand Indonesian students and their parents who attended the fair to search for their target universities to study in more  

AU Hosted the Conference for Research Results on Information Education

Asia University hosted the “2020 Conference for Research Results on Information Education,” which drew more than two hundred scholars to attend either on line or in person on November 5 and 6. Dr. Jeffrey J. P. Tsai, President of Asia University, stated in his opening remarks that in the time of the pandemic upheaval and disruption, digital learning and education technology have become the most vital issues of education in the post-pandemic more