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    110-2 外籍新生招生简章

  • 公告


    「海外人才经验分享及国际连结计画」 是教育部Taiwan GPS的计画最近有关于海外留学经验分享会及说明会! 邀请海外学人返台时分享留学准备及国外学习历程经验。欢迎同学一同参与! 另外!!! 想出国先了解怎么选择、如何申请、准备资料、注意事项 在Taiwan GPS你能得到的资讯 1. 听听他人的经验,让自己更熟悉海外留学是怎么一回事。 2.追踪fb等社群连结,接收第一时间的留学奖学金资讯。 3.教你申请与撰写学术履历。 详细资讯可到官网查询

  • 公告

    Tomb Sweeping Day

    From April 2 to April 5, on Tomb Sweeping Day, families visit the gravesite of their ancestors to show their respect. Therefore, it will be late for us to reply to the email and message during this period.

  • 公告


  • 公告

    Happy Chinese New Year!

    From February 10 to February 16 (Taiwan time), it is Chinese New Year that everyone returns to his own hometown to celebrate the most important holidays for the Chinese people. Therefore, it will be late for us to reply to the email and message at this period.